Permit Coordination
Are you struggling to find time to deal with permit issues? We can help!
Whether your project is a major retail development, a new single structure, tenant finish-out, or remodel, let PDI’s Permit Coordinators assist your permit application through the time consuming and tedious permit process. Our knowledge of the development process and code requirements gives PDI an advantage in assisting architects, developers, and contractors obtain building permits. We pride ourselves on having a respectful, working relationship with the City of San Antonio and surrounding jurisidictions. Our experience with permitting procedures allows us to alleviate some of the stress that accompanies most permitting projects.
Our services are most valuable when we are the central point of contact for all issues related to permitting. We communicate with owners, project managers, architects/consultants, and the construction team to keep the project moving through the process. Our knowledge of the permit review department disciplines also allows us to intelligently interact with the design team and City staff. Once the permit is issued, PDI can assist with any plan review revisions or inspection issues that may arise.
PDI has been involved in projects such as hospitals, office buildings, churches, schools, hotels, restaurants, and retail centers. Additionally, PDI has experience working with fast-track projects that require submitting documents in phases (site work, foundation, superstructure/shell, and interior finish-out) in order to maintain construction timelines. Whether the project is a small interior remodel or a multiple building complex, PDI has the experience and manpower to provide the project with the attention it requires. Our goal is to be flexible and tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each project.
Contact Us to find out if PDI can relieve your permitting headaches!